ORTHOLOGISMOS SA is a company with many years of presence in the market of Accounting, Tax, Consulting and Training Services, which is addressed to both the private and the public sector.
The academic background and training of its employees coupled with years of experience, has made it capable to provide high – quality tax, consulting and training services, contributing to building healthy economic and productive units.
The organizational structure of the company, allows the capitalisation of the expertise of its staff and meeting specific requirements of enterprises and institutions that grow in a highly competitive environment.
Each client is unique, so ORTHOLOGISMOS SA aims at personalized satisfaction of its clients’ needs.
Developing and supporting healthy entrepreneurship and innovation is at the core of corporate culture and is the cornerstone of its services.
The headquarters of the company is located in Thessaloniki and also operates a branch in Athens. It provides services at national level, even in the most remote areas, while constantly develops its network of associates in Cyprus and other Balkan countries (Bulgaria).
ORTHOLOGISMOS SA in its efforts to continuously improve its services’ level has been certified according to ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System) and ISO 27001: 2013 (Information Security Management System).