Corporate Profile

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ORTHOLOGISMOS SA is a company with many years of presence in the market of Accounting, Tax, Consulting and Training Services, which is addressed to both the private and the public sector.

The academic background and training of its employees coupled with years of experience, has made it capable to provide high – quality tax, consulting and training services, contributing to building healthy economic and productive units.

The organizational structure of the company, allows the capitalisation of the expertise of its staff and meeting specific requirements of enterprises and institutions that grow in a highly competitive environment.

Each client is unique, so ORTHOLOGISMOS SA aims at personalized satisfaction of its clients’ needs.

Developing and supporting healthy entrepreneurship and innovation is at the core of corporate culture and is the cornerstone of its services.

The headquarters of the company is located in Thessaloniki and also operates a branch in Athens. It provides services at national level, even in the most remote areas, while constantly develops its network of associates in Cyprus and other Balkan countries (Bulgaria).

ORTHOLOGISMOS SA   in its efforts to continuously improve its services’ level has been certified according to ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System) and ISO 27001: 2013 (Information Security Management System).


ORTHOLOGISMOS SA offering a comprehensive network of services to both private and public sector companies and bodies, operates in four main service groups:

Accounting -Tax Services of the Private Sector
Accounting  support of Public  Sector bodies
Consulting Services & drawing up studies
Training Services
Having motto…

“……because People and Knowledge determine the result”

we invest in people and knowledge acquisition to get the result we want.




ORTHOLOGISMOS was founded as a general partnership to provide Accounting and Tax consultancy services to the financial and administrative divisions of private sector companies


ORTHOLOGISMOS after its first successful steps, operates in the form of a Limited Liability Company (Orthologismos Ltd.), while at the same time it extends its scope to the development of Financial Studies as well as to the management of Development-focused  Operational Programs.


It applies a remote clients’ service IT system.


It extends its scope to Merger Services and creates a Consulting Services Department.


It extends its activity in the provision of accounting services to Public Sector bodies.


It extends its scope to providing accountancy services to Public Healthcare Units


After a very successful  business course over the years and the know-how that it has acquired, it became a Societe Anonyme under the name ORTHOLOGISMOS ECONOMIC & DEVELOPEMENT APPLICATIONS SA. The company now provides integrated accounting, tax, consulting and training services to companies of the Private Sector and to public sector bodies like local government authorities, bodies governed by public and private law and public healthcare units


In 2006 with belief in providing high-quality services has been certified for the first time with the Quality Management System ELOT EN ISO 9001: 2008


It makes a significant investment for the installation of a new integrated information system and modernization of its infrastructure. Since then, every year invests significant funds to keep pace with technological developments.


It acquires new modern offices in the center of Athens.


It has been additionally certified with the ISO 27001: 2013 Information Security Management System


It invests  in the modernization and expansion of its infrastructure in Thessaloniki. So  it also acquires a  modern ,fully-equipped  training room.


Today, ORTHOLOGISMOS ECONOMIC – ACCOUNTING – CONSULTING & TRAINING  SERVICES SA is a comprehensive and well-established company providing high quality services in the areas of Accounting, Taxation, Consulting and Training Services. It operates at national level as well as abroad. It employs more than 35 executives with a permanent working relationship and can meet the most demanding needs of its clients.